Real Time Search v/s Traditional Index or Library Search - Why You Cannot Ignore Social Media From Your Online Marketing Strategy?

We all are aware of the fact that the search engines index websites and display the list of ranked websites on the search result pages according to the searcher’s query keyed in the search box.

But , since 2009 the social media sites are the most populated websites on the web and nearly all the netizens log in and visit some or the other social media site like twitter, facebook, youtube, myspace, linkden, or some blog according to their preference to get the latest updates related to a person, place or post atleast once a day.

As the search preferences of the people are changing and people are interested in more and more fresh content available on the web to know what the latest buzz is all about. The search engines have more search options on their result pages now and one of the options is the real time search which is being accessed increasingly by the searchers to update themselves about the fresh and the latest buzz about a certain search query.

The organic search results display list of websites or Wiki pages related to the query but  Real Time Search results display who is tweeting or posting what , related to the search query as of NOW . In short it depicts the buzziness of the topic searched and what people are saying and sharing about it.

Apart from search engines like Google, Bing, etc displaying real time search results, there are full-fledged search engines dedicated to real time search now.

For example :

As , the traditional or library search has got its own challenge of ranking relevant websites at times due to the loads of spam content available on the net , the real time search world is filled with a lot of din and noise. Hence, the challenge of the real time search results is to filter out the authority tweets, opinions and blogs and display the quality buzz as results and catch the actual pulse to make the real time search engines racing ahead.

Hence, all said and done – How you manage your social media accounts will tell a lot about your company as a whole and develop an online reputation in the long run which will eventually decide if your social media account is worthy of reliability and the real time search engine algorithms will decide if your voice or opinion should be heard by the netizens or not.

Managing the social media accounts professionally and making it reflect the policies and principles of your company is the mantra of social media marketing.

Hence, Pause and Ponder Before You Post and Think Before you Tweet !

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  • Bharati Ahuja

    Bharati Ahuja is the Founder of WebPro Technologies LLP. She is also an SEO Trainer and Speaker, Blog Writer, and Web Presence Consultant, who first started optimizing websites in 2000. Since then, her knowledge about SEO has evolved along with the evolution of search on the web. Contributor to Search Engine Land, Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Watch, etc.

July 29, 2010
SEO Ahmedabad

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