Marketing and the New Era of Data Analytics in 2024


“Data is the new oil” is a phrase that British mathematician Clive Humby coined in 2006 to emphasize the importance of data as a resource that fuels economies, countries, and daily lives. The phrase refers to the similarities between how oil and data become valuable. Just like oil, raw data is not valuable by itself, but its value is created when it is gathered quickly, accurately, and completely, and connected to other relevant data.

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, the advent of data analytics has ushered in a new era of possibilities. With the vast amounts of data generated by consumers every day, businesses have the opportunity to harness this wealth of information to drive more targeted, personalized, and effective marketing campaigns. As we navigate through 2024, mastering data-driven marketing is essential for staying ahead of the curve and achieving success in today's competitive market.

The Power of Data Analytics in Marketing

Data analytics has revolutionized the way businesses understand and engage with their target audience. By leveraging advanced analytics tools and techniques, marketers can gain valuable insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and trends. From social media interactions to website traffic patterns, every touchpoint provides valuable data that can be used to inform marketing strategies and optimize campaign performance.

In the new era of data analytics, marketers have access to a wealth of data sources, including:

  • Social media platforms
  • Website analytics
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) systems
  • Internet of Things (IoT) devices
  • Third-party data sources

By aggregating and analyzing data from these diverse sources, marketers can develop a comprehensive understanding of their target audience and tailor their marketing efforts accordingly.

Strategies for Adapting Your Marketing

Adapting to the new era of data analytics requires a strategic approach that integrates data-driven insights into every aspect of your marketing efforts. Here are some key strategies to consider:

  1. Invest in Advanced Analytics Tools

To effectively harness the power of data analytics, businesses must invest in advanced analytics tools and platforms. These tools can help automate data collection, analysis, and visualization, enabling marketers to derive actionable insights quickly and efficiently. From AI-powered analytics platforms to predictive modeling tools, there are a variety of options available to suit every business need and budget.

  1. Embrace Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics is a powerful tool for forecasting future trends and anticipating customer behavior. By analyzing historical data and applying machine learning algorithms, marketers can identify patterns and correlations that can help predict future outcomes. Whether it's forecasting sales trends or predicting customer churn, predictive analytics can provide valuable insights that inform marketing strategies and drive business growth.

  1. Personalize Marketing Messages

One of the key benefits of data analytics is the ability to personalize marketing messages and content for individual consumers. By segmenting your target audience based on demographics, behavior, and preferences, you can deliver more relevant and targeted marketing messages that resonate with your audience. Whether it's personalized email campaigns or targeted social media ads, personalization is essential for engaging today's consumers and driving conversion.

  1. Optimize Customer Journey

Analyzing the customer journey across various touchpoints and channels can provide valuable insights into the customer experience. By mapping out the customer journey and identifying pain points or areas for improvement, marketers can optimize the customer experience and drive greater satisfaction and loyalty. From optimizing website navigation to streamlining the checkout process, every interaction is an opportunity to enhance the customer journey and drive business results.

  1. Leverage Real-Time Marketing

In today's fast-paced digital world, real-time marketing is essential for staying agile and responsive to changing market conditions. By monitoring consumer interactions and campaign performance in real-time, marketers can identify trends and opportunities as they emerge and adjust their strategies accordingly. Whether it's capitalizing on a trending topic on social media or responding to customer feedback in real-time, real-time marketing allows businesses to stay ahead of the curve and maximize their impact.

  1. Experimentation and A/B Testing

Experimentation and A/B testing are essential for optimizing marketing strategies and maximizing ROI. By testing different variables, such as messaging, imagery, or call-to-action buttons, marketers can identify what resonates most with their audience and refine their approach accordingly. Whether it's testing subject lines in email campaigns or testing ad creatives on social media, experimentation allows marketers to continually iterate and improve their strategies over time.

  1. Ensure Compliance and Privacy

With the increasing focus on data privacy and security, businesses must ensure compliance with regulations such as GDPR and CCPA. This means implementing robust data governance practices and prioritizing data privacy and security in all marketing activities. By earning the trust of consumers and respecting their privacy preferences, businesses can build stronger relationships with their audience and drive greater loyalty and engagement.

  1. Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Finally, adapting to the new era of data analytics requires a mindset of continuous learning and adaptation. With technology and consumer preferences constantly evolving, marketers must stay agile and responsive to changes in the market. By staying informed about the latest trends and best practices in data analytics and marketing, businesses can position themselves for success in today's competitive landscape.

As we navigate through 2024 and beyond, mastering data-driven marketing is essential for staying ahead of the curve and achieving success in today's competitive market. By investing in advanced analytics tools, embracing predictive analytics, personalizing marketing messages, optimizing the customer journey, leveraging real-time marketing, experimenting with A/B testing, ensuring compliance and privacy, and continuously learning and adapting, businesses can unlock the full potential of data analytics and drive greater engagement, loyalty, and growth.

In the new era of data analytics, the possibilities are endless. By harnessing the power of data-driven insights, businesses can create more personalized, targeted, and effective marketing campaigns that resonate with their audience and drive tangible business results. It's time to embrace the future of marketing and unlock the full potential of data analytics in 2024 and beyond.


Why Should Your Content Strategy Prioritize Visual Content in 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for businesses aiming to capture and retain their audience's attention. As we step into 2024, one trend stands out prominently – the undeniable power of visual content. In 2024  businesses should shift their focus towards visual content as it can be a game-changer in the competitive world of marketing.

The Rise of Visual Culture

We live in an age where attention spans are shorter than ever, and information is consumed rapidly. Visual content, such as images, videos, infographics, and interactive media, aligns perfectly with the preferences of today's audience. The rise of social media platforms, where visual elements dominate, underscores the importance of catering to the visual appetite of users.

With platforms like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Pinterest experiencing unprecedented growth, businesses that leverage visually appealing content can tap into these vast user bases. In 2024, the visual culture will continue to thrive, making it imperative for businesses to embrace and master the art of visual storytelling.

Enhanced Engagement and Brand Recall

Human brains are wired to process visual information more efficiently than text. Studies consistently show that people remember visuals better than text alone. Utilizing eye-catching visuals in marketing campaigns can significantly boost engagement and brand recall.

By incorporating compelling visuals in advertisements, social media posts, and website content, businesses can create a lasting impression on their audience. Visual content has the power to evoke emotions, tell stories, and convey messages more effectively, leading to a stronger connection between the brand and its audience.

Social Media Dominance

Social media has become a cornerstone of modern marketing strategies, and visual content is at the forefront of this digital revolution. In 2024, businesses that prioritize visual content will have a competitive edge in the crowded social media landscape.

Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter heavily prioritize visual content in their algorithms, ensuring that posts with engaging visuals receive higher visibility. Businesses that embrace visually appealing content will experience increased reach, higher interaction rates, and a more substantial social media presence.

Video Content: The King of Engagement

Video content continues to reign supreme as the most engaging form of visual content. The popularity of video marketing is expected to soar in 2024, with platforms like YouTube and TikTok leading the way. Businesses that invest in high-quality video content can capture the attention of their target audience and deliver messages in a format that is both informative and entertaining.

The versatility of video content allows businesses to showcase products, share behind-the-scenes glimpses, and connect with their audience on a personal level. As video consumption habits evolve, businesses must adapt to this trend to stay relevant and competitive.

SEO Benefits

Search engines increasingly prioritize content with visual elements, as they enhance user experience and engagement. Websites that incorporate visually appealing content are more likely to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). In 2024, businesses that optimize their visual content for search engines will enjoy improved visibility and organic traffic.

Alt text, image descriptions, and video transcripts contribute to making visual content more accessible and SEO-friendly.

By incorporating these elements, businesses can enhance their online presence and reach a wider audience through organic search.

Google is experimenting with SGE (Search Generative Experience) results. These results are changing the way the users are going to use Google as a search engine in future. It is going to be more conversational and the results will include all types of content formats.

SGE's focus on visual content:

Direct results integration: SGE is shifting from just text-based results to presenting information in diverse formats, including images, videos, and interactive widgets. This means visual content directly impacts how users discover and engage with information.

Enhanced understanding of visuals: SGE utilizes AI to analyze and interpret visual content, allowing it to better understand the context and meaning of images and videos. This improved understanding can lead to more relevant and personalized search results.

Visual search capabilities: Features like Google Lens are being integrated into SGE, empowering users to search using images and visual cues. This opens up new ways to find information based on what you see, not just what you type.

Websites with well-optimized visual content stand a better chance of ranking higher in SGE results, leading to increased organic traffic. It's still early days for SGE, but the integration of visual content is a crucial step towards a more intuitive and informative search experience. By understanding how SGE interacts with visuals and optimizing your content accordingly, you can stay ahead of the curve and thrive in the evolving search landscape.

Mobile Optimization

The widespread use of smartphones has transformed how people consume content. Mobile devices have become the primary means of accessing the internet, and businesses must adapt their content strategies accordingly. Visual content, especially mobile-friendly visuals and videos, is crucial for engaging users on smartphones and tablets.

In 2024, businesses that prioritize mobile optimization in their visual content strategy will cater to the preferences of the on-the-go consumer. Responsive design, quick-loading visuals, and mobile-friendly video formats are essential elements to ensure a seamless user experience on mobile devices.

Storytelling Through Visuals

In the digital age, storytelling remains a powerful tool for building brand identity and connecting with audiences. Visual content is uniquely positioned to convey compelling narratives that resonate with consumers. Businesses can use images and videos to tell their brand story, share customer testimonials, and communicate their values in a visually captivating manner.

Visual storytelling creates a memorable and emotional connection with the audience, fostering brand loyalty. In 2024, businesses that master the art of visual storytelling will stand out in a saturated market, capturing the hearts and minds of their customers.

The Power of User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is a goldmine for businesses looking to build authenticity and trust. Visual UGC, such as customer photos, videos, and reviews, serves as social proof and showcases real experiences with a product or service. In the coming year, businesses that encourage and curate user-generated visual content will benefit from increased credibility and a sense of community.

How can your business leverage the power of visual content in 2024?

Embrace video: From short-form social media clips to in-depth explainer videos, video is the undisputed king of engagement. Invest in creating high-quality video content that showcases your brand personality, tells your story, and connects with your audience on an emotional level.

Infographics to the rescue: Complex information can be overwhelming in text format. Break it down into digestible chunks with visually appealing infographics that use data, charts, and illustrations to simplify complex concepts and make them instantly understandable.

Images that speak volumes: Don't underestimate the power of a well-chosen image. Invest in professional photography or high-quality stock photos that are relevant to your brand and evoke the emotions you want to associate with your business.

Interactive experiences: Take your content to the next level with interactive elements like quizzes, polls, and augmented reality filters. This not only boosts engagement but also collects valuable data about your audience's preferences.

Authenticity is key: Ditch the stock photos and staged scenarios. Use genuine visuals that reflect your brand's personality and values. Show your audience the real people behind your business, the faces that make your brand tick.

Visual content is not just a trend it's a revolution: By embracing its power in 2024, you can engage your audience like never before, build stronger brand connections, and stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving digital landscape. So, grab your camera, fire up your video editing software, and start creating visuals that will captivate, inspire, and propel your business to new heights!

As we navigate the dynamic landscape of digital marketing in 2024, the significance of visual content cannot be overstated. Businesses that prioritize visual storytelling, invest in high-quality videos, and optimize for mobile platforms will gain a competitive advantage. The visual revolution is here to stay, and businesses that embrace this trend will not only capture attention but also build lasting connections with their audience in the years to come.


AI Unleashed: Navigating the Future of SEO Content Creation with ChatGPT


In the dynamic world of SEO, content creation stands as the cornerstone of any successful strategy. Crafting engaging, informative content, however, is no small feat. From selecting the right topic to refining language and adapting grammar for specific audiences, the content creation process involves numerous intricate steps.

This process is not only challenging but also time-consuming, requiring extensive research, statistics, and a deep understanding of the target audience.

The Challenge of Content Creation

Creating compelling content involves several key elements, including topic selection, drafting, organization under sub-headings, proofreading, and tailoring language to specific geographic locations.

Each of these steps demands careful attention and considerable time investment. Moreover, staying updated with research, statistics, and opinions from thought leaders in the industry adds an additional layer of complexity.

The Role of AI in Content Creation

Enter Artificial Intelligence (AI), a revolutionary force that has reshaped various industries, including content creation. One noteworthy AI tool in this domain is ChatGPT. Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a Generative Pre-trained Transformer, specifically designed for generating human-like text with a focus on conversational applications.

Unveiling ChatGPT

Understanding the Model

The acronym GPT in "ChatGPT" stands for "Generative Pre-trained Transformer." Trained on a diverse dataset from the internet, this AI language model has the ability to generate responses based on patterns learned during training. The "Chat" in ChatGPT signifies its application in creating text for conversational purposes.

Capabilities of ChatGPT

ChatGPT serves as a versatile tool for content creators. It can quickly provide answers to queries that would typically require hours or even days of internet research.

Additionally, the tool can check grammar, adapt language to either UK or US English, translate content into various languages, and even suggest topics for future blog posts.

These capabilities make ChatGPT an invaluable assistant, enhancing productivity and efficiency in the content creation process.

The Impact on Productivity

Utilizing ChatGPT or other AI tools presents a significant opportunity for content writers to boost productivity.

By automating certain aspects of the content creation workflow, writers can allocate more time to creative thinking and refining the quality of their output. The efficiency gains provided by AI tools can lead to a more streamlined and effective content creation process.

Overcoming Writer's Block

One of the most substantial advantages of integrating ChatGPT into the content creation process is its ability to help writers overcome the dreaded writer's block.

When faced with creative stagnation, writers can engage in a conversation with ChatGPT, leveraging its capacity to offer prompts, suggestions, and a conducive conversational space to jumpstart creativity.

Responsible Use of ChatGPT

While ChatGPT offers remarkable assistance in content creation, it is imperative to use it responsibly and understand its limitations.

Rather than viewing it as a complete replacement for human creativity and expertise, it should be seen as a powerful complement.

Regular review, fact-checking, and human intervention remain essential to ensure the production of high-quality, accurate content.

The Limitations of ChatGPT

Inability to Generate Personal Experiences

One notable limitation of ChatGPT is its inability to generate personal experiences. Lacking firsthand knowledge, opinions, or unique insights, the model relies solely on patterns learned from data.

Content creators should be mindful of this constraint and not expect the model to provide insights based on lived experiences.

Behind the Scenes: How ChatGPT Generates Answers

ChatGPT derives its answers from the patterns ingrained during its training on a diverse internet dataset. The model, based on the Generative Pre-trained Transformer architecture, excels at predicting the next word in a sentence given the context. This training process enables the model to capture grammar, semantics, and some aspects of reasoning.

Contrary to real-time internet access, ChatGPT does not fetch answers on-demand. Instead, it relies on the knowledge embedded in its parameters from the training data. While it can provide information on a wide array of topics, users must be cautious, as the model may not always have the most up-to-date or accurate information. Independent verification of critical information remains a best practice.


In the realm of content creation, harnessing the brilliance of AI, particularly through tools like ChatGPT, is undeniably a smart move. The efficiency gains, creative assistance, and the ability to overcome writer's block make AI a valuable asset for content writers.

However, the responsible use of such tools is paramount, and content creators should continue to exercise human judgment, ensuring that the content generated aligns with their standards of accuracy, relevance, and quality.

As AI becomes more sophisticated, it will not only assist in mundane tasks but also act as a catalyst for creativity. Future content creation workflows will witness a quantum leap in creative expression, with AI serving as a source of inspiration, ideation, and even challenging creators to push the boundaries of conventional storytelling.

In essence, the future of content creation, shaped by the ongoing evolution of AI, promises a paradigm shift in how we conceive, produce, and consume information. Content creators embracing this wave of technological advancement will find themselves at the forefront of a new era in digital communication, where the collaboration between human ingenuity and artificial intelligence propels creativity to unprecedented heights.

Some Valuable Content Gems From The B2B Content Conversions Conference April 2013

The B2B Content Conversions Conference was held recently on 22nd and 23rd April 2013 - Times Center NYC. This conference presented key insights on how to manage the content lifecycle. The reputed speakers shared their thoughts which were shared on Twitter -   #B2BContentEvent .
I hope the cut, clarity and the true color of these content gems have been preserved as we share the valuable content gems of the conference as follows:
@TripKucera Trip Kucera, Aberdeen Group
  • 32% of companies have a robust content marketing strategy, up from 16% in 2011
  • We're in the age of data driven marketing
  • Content marketing has got to be about value
  • Marketers need to understand when and where they see content.
  • Lead Management is like scotch: Distillation generates value!
  • Good leads are made through valuable interactions
  • Offers are becoming content-like
  • Marketing leaders save $10k cost per new customer compared to followers. Do it right.
  • leaders say it takes 10 marketing touches to fully engage a qualified buyer
  • top 3 challenges: need skills, content quantity and content relevancy for content marketing success Top challenge for content marketing: lack of talent and resources.
  • Leaders are more likely to have a robust strategy in place
  • Become subject matter experts to offer great content
  • Content marketing is everyone's responsibility
  • Content marketing is primarily managed internally because it is strategic
  • It's content marketing, not content sales
  • Leaders align content with buyer personas & the right stage of the sales funnel. Followers don't.
  • Measure content specifically in the context of the buyer's journey.
  • it is becoming more critical to bring Sales into the content conversation
  • Think about content as marketing offers. Get granular in the way you measure content
  • Content marketing is the alchemy of intent
  • 37% of firms are managing it all in-house
  • Think about the incremental value of content
@juntajoe Joe Pulizzi, Content Marketing Institute
  • Content marketing is a business strategy
  • We're not renting the media with content marketing- we're owning it!
  • When you start a content marketing strategy , it can never stop. It goes on forever
  • Content Marketing is creating & curating valuable, compelling & consistent content to change or enhance behaviour
  • Content Marketing is a promise to our customers that we're going to give them something of value
  • Content marketing should change or influence behavior.
  • Content Marketing is a lot like sex. Just because you can do it doesn't mean you're good at it
  • If you do not have a documented Content Marketing strategy, you don't know where you REALLY stand
  • 85% of corporate blogs have 5 or fewer posts
  • Only 36% believe that content marketing is effective.
  • Have a content marketing mission- the ultimate litmus test!
  • 600% increase in leads for indium when Content Marketing  strategy became 'engineers talking to engineers
  • Content Marketing Mission: 1. Core target audience 2. What will be delivered? 3. Outcome for that audience?
  • Think like a Publisher or Journalist, not like a Marketer, when developing your Content Marketing strategy
  • Pull back - more content may not be the answer
  • Develop content marketing mission first
  • marketers are doing much and not seeing  ROI
  • If you're thinking about video, stop thinking of it as an advertising piece. Look at it as a value-add tool
  • The most important thing about video is audio, and keep it short.
  • Think about ROO: Return On Objective,
  • Have someone that owns the content feedback
  • Content marketing is a promise to our customers that we're going to provide true value.
  • Get Found, Get Shared, Get Leads
  • Content Marketing's home has always been in customer retention.
  • The biggest untapped opportunity for B2B content marketers? SlideShare,
@marketingprofs Ann Handley, Author
  • Features of the best content marketing: Utility, Inspiration, Empathy
  • Want to make your content share-worthy? Think about helping your customers. What would they thank you for
  • It's not about a task or channel, it's a mindset. Creating the kind of content that is sustainable
  • Don't think content tactics before you create a content strategy.
  • The best marketing feels like something you WANT to consume
  • My pet peeve: we make Content Marketing  WAY too complicated!
  • Content marketing can be boiled in the 5 Ws of who, what, when, where, why and then how.
  • The best content is packed w/utility, seeded w/inspiration & is honestly empathetic
  • The Content Team graphic
  • Newer content channels popping up: Instagram; Tumblr; Slideshare; Pinterest all poised for growth
  • Use social sites as storytelling platforms rather than just sharing platforms
  • A real test of meaningful content marketing: would your network thank you for it
  • If your customer signed your paycheck, what would your marketing look like?
  • The biggest piece of being a publisher is to think of your content in the eyes of your customer.
  • If you're thinking about video, stop thinking of it as an advertising piece. Look at it as a value-add tool
  • If your customers love what you do, they will follow you.
  • 2 things that go into the success of content: the science and the art of it.
@BrennerMichael Michael Brenner, SAP
  • It's not about what we sell- it's about what we do for our customers.
  • Our buyers are bored
  • Our buyers are looking for marketers to feel interested in their needs
  • In Content Marketing, act like a publisher—and publishers need to make money
  • We're bombarding our prospects with too many messages.
  • Our buyers are looking for marketers to feel interested in their needs
  • Deliver what your customers are looking for
  •  Stroytelling should be at the center of your Content Marketing .
  • If buyers ask a question, you must answer - Deliver the answers they are asking for
  • Create an editorial board @ your company if there are multiple people creating content.
  • 50% of SAP's content is coming from external sources, including 100's of authors - Author Curation
  • Author curation: Find authors on selected topics.
  • Content mktg metrics: reach, engagement, conversion.
  • Influencer Marketing is key to amplifying your content (stories)
  • SAP is starting to include calls to action within their Content Marketing articles
  • We exist within a content ecosystem
  • The biggest challenge in marketing is to get people to stop selling.
  • Content Marketing should not focus on talking about what you sell, it should focus on what you do for customers
  • The blog post @BrennerMichael mentioned during his presentation 8 Steps To Build A Content Hub That Converts [Slides]
  • Focus on subscribers as your conversion objective.
  • digital attribution is still a huge challenge, with last click metrics still ruling the day
@Tweetsfrompawan Pawan Deshpande, Curata
  • Curation is everywhere, reddit, digg,etc.
  • 32% of marketers share content from blogs, industry pubs or online outlets w/ custrs
  • curation is relevant now b/c consumers have too much content
  • Why is curation relevant? Consumers have too much content. Marketers have too little
  • The content beast has a very high metabolism:
  • think beyond your brand… include your competition
  • 95% of marketers are using OPC( Other people's content) today
  • CMOs care about both creative and metrics

@jasonthibeault Jason Thibeault, Limelight Networks

  • Stories are a container of ideas
  • By 2017 video will take up much of internet traffic
  • You message needs to be connected regardless of device.
  • Narrative arc is what connects us to our audience, gives them a reason to connect with our stories.
  • The digital relationship pyramid
  • If it is not connected the audience gets disengaged
@MargaretMolloy Margaret Molloy, Velocidi
  • Content means Brand, trust and relationship builder
  • There is no single attribution. It's a math problem
@lbfeldman Lori Feldman, Cigna International
  • Don't underestimate the importance of listening. Listen before you speak and develop content.
  • Stopping and listening, and seeing what's resonating in a given market is key
  • Listen to your audience and create content accordingly
  • The days of the one-size fits all website text are over
  • Don't forget pictures and graphics in your content. Images can resonate globally
  • Common mistake in Content Marketing : publishing without engaging, not initiating two-way conversation with customers
  • Revenue is important. but don't forget relevance & shareability of content to get audience to come back.
  • If we're not all sharing in this digital world, we're doing ourselves a disservice says
  • To get to the point of revenue, marketers must not forget the point of sharing (targeted/compelling) content
  • Think like a publisher; be an educator. Your audience is looking for insights. -- Tell, don't sell
Mark Wilson, @Avaya
  • Be provocative in content marketing,
  • Content Marketing must be... simple, unexpected, offer credibility, have a motive and told as a story
  • Instead of asking people what keeps them up at night, tell them what should keep them up at night.
  • Marketers are probably the worst people to write content
  • to make your content compelling, be provocative and snarky when writing
  • Marketing needs to look like a Newsroom, not a cubicle farm
  • Come up with a non-standard point of view and defend that view.
  • Content Marketing must be... simple, unexpected, offer credibility, have a motive and told as a story.
  • Serving a niche market is how you get BFFs - become the definitive source for that community
  • great content doesn't distribute itself - split out publishing from editorial. In Content Marketing  separate editorial (is it interesting?) from publishing (medium, frequency)
  • For a quick Content Marketing win, segment, then address audience needs
  • I don't care how many people are tweeting, not tweeting, etc. At the end of the day, we're here to drive revenue
  • Mobile content is a lot more popular
@LeeOdden Lee Odden, TopRank Online Marketing
  • 81% of b2b buyers start with search engines
  • Optimized marketing means your brand is the best answer when and where buyers need it
  • Must integrate SEO and content, but optimize for customer experience
  • Anticipate demand with search and create [I would say satisfy] demand with content
  • Search often validates what users find on social
  • The definition of optimized marketing
  • Great content isn't great until it gets found, consumed and shared.
  • Not everyone in your audience will be motivated by an infographic
  • Be the best answer for customer needs and that matches your brand value
  • Optimize for engagement AND conversion, then through to purchase and advocacy
  • Optimizing is about making it easy to attract, engage, retain
  • Facts tell, stories sell. Stories are essential for your brand. It's key to amplify
  • Optimization is an ongoing process! If people have a great experience they're more likely to DO something
  • every author at your company should have Google+ account
  • 4 types of content: Evergreen, repurposed, curated, and co-created
  • 16% of daily Google search queries have never been seen before. Keyword research is a goldmine for content ideas
  • There are many content marketing tactics, but are they integrated? Alignment is powerful in the customer journey.
  • Investing in high quality content doesn't mean anything if people cannot consume it, says
  • You want to create anticipation
  • Real influence isn't huge fan & follower counts, it's niche communities that take action.
  • The quality of your content will contribute to shorter sales cycles
@CroweHorwath_US Lee Odden, TopRank Online Marketing
  • You have to be able to understand who you're targeting.
  • Target market segmentation is key in lead nurturing.
  • Talk about the buyer's journey, the buying cycle.
  • In lead scoring, pay attention to digital body language
  • An innovator isn't about new products. It's about someone who wants best practices.
  • 28% of invited executives engage in program after 7 months.
  • Don't underestimate the power of e-Comms and landing pages.
@madisonlogic Thomas Koletas, Madison Logic
  • The average buyer is in the research mode for 4 to 6 days.
  • Leads from content mktg are often not followed up for 2 weeks
  • Wanna be salesy in your copy? You've got to segment your audience
  • Video is most compelling content right now. Segmentation is pretty key too
  • Key question: How do you get intent data
@Robyoegel  Rob Yoegel, Monetate
  • You have to remember that everything you do goes back to the customer
  • The key is getting the right content in front of the right person at the right time
  • start Content Marketing by creating content that the sales team needs
  • Social drives 25% of inbound traffic!!
  • Search isn't dead - it isn't going away.
  • Content development should be someone's job
  • Only those who TALK to their customers know what their customers want
  • Sales people should be educators
  • If you don't have the answer, your competitors will.
  • You can't really have a content calendar without knowing what to write about,
  • Ask your audience what they want to read -- critical tactic.
  • marketers should have content addressing the first questions your buyers ask when researching
  • Only those who TALK to their customers know what their customers want
  • 4 ebooks a year can fill up your content calendar,
  • Nothing gets our hearts pounding more than video
  • More effective lead gen with video by thinking outside the frame
  • Traditional video is based on an old television model
  • Content Telemetry = measuring content use, engagement & impact
  • Engagement: moving visitors from passive to active consumption,
  • If marketing automation is the rocket, then content is the fuel
  • People have more tolerance for longer content with knowledge of where it's going and for how long
  • When content is wired for interactivity, clickstream can be captured
  • Adobe should allow measurement of engagement in PDFs.
  • One can't make Spielberg production with every video. Need a strategy using multiple types of video
  • The key to using video is figuring out how to survive the rest of that video strategy
@JeffFuhriman  Jeff Fuhriman, Adobe
  • Use everything you've got to keep it personal
  • lets its customer tell the story - the Adobe experience.
  • Personalization drives easily 40% more conversion on our website
  • Find your most valued area -- You'll fall fast, learn fast and reiterate fast.
  • Adobe Target + Demandbase IP can ID who you are BEFORE cookies. Skeaky, but nice given how flawed cookies are
  • The odds of winning today: 4 every 650 leads,1 deal closes in 19 months.
@fdonny  Frank Donny, Marseli
  • Sales leadership will not respect you unless you have skin in the game
  • A sales person is concerned about 2 things: time and money
  • On average, 60% of all qualified sales opportunities end up in no decision
  • Clever analogy of sales and marketing as relay race supporting the revenue supply chain: inquiry > nurture > qualification > selling
@jill_rowley Jill Rowley, Eloqua
  • Definition of sales enablement: content, tools & training.
  • Its not quantity of leads, but quality and conversion rates that matter
  • Contacts from a conference are not leads, scoring means getting sales-ready leads
  • People don't buy from those they cannot trust.
  • Sales is only managing 43%
  • Use social to find, engage and amplify them
  • Read the content your buyers read and share it across your own social platforms
  • Enable your salespeople to tell customer stories
  • Some see prospects, I see future advocates
  • Social selling is different from social stupid
@TRiesterer Tim Riesterer, Corporate Visions, Inc.
  • You have to think of it through the entire spectrum.
  • Sales enablement answers: what are you going to say when you get the meeting
  • Give sales lead with a cheat sheet on what the lead is interested in to facilitate the first conversation
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Content Marketing – From Renting An Audience to Earning An Audience

The Highlights According To An Econsultancy Survey In October 2012 Are:

  • Over 90% of respondents believe that content marketing will become more important over the next 12 months.
  • Nearly three quarters (73%) of digital marketers agree that ‘brands are becoming publishers’.
  • Less than half of companies have dedicated budgets (34%) or individuals dedicated (46%) to content marketing.
  • Increased engagement is the most commonly cited objective for content marketers, with 52% of in-house marketers and 58% of agency marketers listing this as one of their top three business objectives.

These statistics prove that though the majority believes that Content Creation and its marketing is important but less than 50% of the companies have yet to focus on the same by dedicating an in house team for content marketing or outsourcing it with a decent budget.

Why “ Content Marketing” is gaining the attention of digital marketers and brands?

In the real world you are what your thoughts are and you are known by the company you keep. On the WWW your identity is established by what you share and publish.

Brands need to establish their trust and credibility online to reach out to potential online customers or to retain existing customers . This is not possible by just having an optimized website for search engines.

A good site optimized for search engines may bring targeted visits to the site, but after the visitor comes to your site and gets impressed and is convinced by the content on your site he will go to the social media sites to confirm what others have to say about your products and services to get a reality check.

The content on your website is what you say about your products and services but the content on the social media sites put forward what others have to say and when both these voices are in sync a credibility is established. This may influence the visitor to buy the product online but the whole experience of buying online and getting any after sales assistance if needed establishes the faith in the brand.

When the visitor who becomes your regular customer and keeps getting the immediate quality services and response online spreads the WOM and when this WOM magnifies and multiplies TRUST is established.

More than the affordable price brands need to establish trust online and content marketing is the right platform for putting your best foot forward and for proving the trust worthiness.

Hence Content Marketing helps a brand establish its unique identity, offers a platform to engage with the customers directly, win public trust and can ensure happier clients.

On the web your potential clients or customers can come majorly from the search engines (Organic or Paid presence) and social media platforms.

In order to have a quality presence on search engines or social media sites brands need a well optimized site and a blog which is updated with regular quality and informative content. i.e your blog/site is a container for the content. Both the container and the content need to be impressive in order to convince.

The site (the Container) needs to have a good design appeal and also needs to be user friendly. The content adds the soul hence if the content is just a few paragraphs added just for the sake of adding words its of no use. Every piece of content should reflect the personality of the brand and raise the trust and goodwill factor limits a notch higher.

All this discussion raises the following questions which I am asked repeatedly by clients:

·How to create regular quality content?

Creating quality content regularly is a challenging task and needs a lot of planning and strategy to reap the right return. Depending on the purpose of the online presence the content marketing team needs to decide upon the right type of the content media mix - text, podcasts, videos, infographics, etc. Then the frequency needs to be decided upon i.e you would like to publish content daily or weekly. The content topics need to revolve round the purpose to be achieved online. If the main purpose is to establish a brand then publish blog posts about

  • The company happenings
  • achievements
  • faux pas made by your team
  • efforts put in for making a product more innovative
  • a solution achieved for a problem faced
  • the industry ideologies that our company promotes
  • Share the latest news about the products and services we deal in
  • Videos about the new outlets opened or achievements celebrated
  • Discuss customer reactions and review
  • Support a cause , event or promote industry related conferences, seminars and exhibitions

We all discuss our success but for a change if we discuss some failure and the lessons learnt by that also is something which gets widely read and accepted as it helps others learn from the mistakes made by us.

This way the web presence of your business will become a true reflection of your real time business where there will be no dearth of actual valuable content and this content will be helpful in projecting the true image reflecting the authority, identity and popularity quotient of your business. Every happening, innovation and development in your office or company can become a topic for a blogpost adding valuable content if you think it will help and offer some valuable information your existing customers, potential clients, shareholders or any targeted visitor to your website in some way or the other.

Work hard in the real world to have more satisfied customers and more acheivements in business which helps your business grow and then update and upgrade your virtual business and presence with the real world facts, figures and experiences thereby being in a win-win situation in the virtual world as well as the real world.

The greatest example is Google itself , if we see the Google blog or any other web presence they have – It is always updated with their latest developments and the discussions about what their priniciples and ideologies in practice.

Paid content, like paid links does not have any value, if your business is not living its actual essence in real life. It will soon fizzle out like paid links . But, content generated with a view of updating the existing client with the actual product information or the content which helps the potential client take a decision or the content which makes the shareholder in your business achieve confidence in the company is all content valuable from the user and the search engine perspective.

Genuine, informative and knowledge based content does not only add value to the content aspect of the web presence but also has the potential of getting inbound links in a natural way boosting the web presence multifold .

· What is the ROI of Content Marketing?

Content Marketing is not a campaign. Instead of buying the media the marketers are owning the media. Instead of renting an audience they are earning an audience and this takes time. In content marketing once you have built your audience you own it and it continues to generate market results. You don’t have to pay rent to the media. The point is that those who embark on content marketing must understand that it is a long term effort requiring significant investment of time and resources before its results can measure up favourably. “

You can start with monitoring visits to your website and to each of your content items. Increases in organic search traffic will signify that your SEO strategies are proving effective and that the keywords you have been targeting in your content creation are starting to raise your website up the search rankings. Another metric of success is increases in the shares of your content which you can monitor by tracking the social media reports.

The metrics that matter in this context are:

  •  No. Of Visits
  •  Sources
  •  Landing pages
  •  Time On Site
  •  New v/s Old visits
  •  Facebook likes
  •  Retweets
  •  LinkedIn and other shares
  •  Reblogs
  •  Links back
  •  Comments
  •  Time spent on page
  •  Average page views per visitor (especially if you're effective at internal linking of your posts)
  •  Followers
  •  @mentions

Content marketing cannot succeed on its own as it is a part of the whole marketing mix. To understand the concept for ROI for Content Marketing we need to understand that the success of content marketing depends on the success of all the other links in the chain of the whole online marketing process.

The quality content published can reach a wider audience and have a long term life if the SEO of the site on which it is published is up to the norms and it is being crawled, indexed and ranked well. Further on it will have a good outreach if it is being shared on relevant social media platforms and the page on which it is published can be shared easily by the incoming visitors,

Hence the brand needs to invest on:
  •  Developing a good site with a good CMS and a good visual appeal and user friendliness
  •  SEO
  •  Having a good social media presence and identify the right social media platform for the kind of content it wants to share.
  •  Create and curate good content regularly

If the person managing the social media engages with the audience and keeps sharing relevant posts from the archives to answer their questions and cater to their curiosity the old published content can also be revived as per relevance.

·Is our SEO taken care of if we focus on content marketing?

SEO and content marketing are two different industries but are like two sides of the same coin. Your SEO may or may not create content for you and at the same time your content creator or writer may or may not optimize your site.

No doubt, every piece of quality content boosts your search presence – provided your site has been optimized wisely for the search engines and the search engines can easily index and extract the right context of the content to make it prominently visible on the search results for their users.

Where there is content there has to be an author. Hence establishing the Authorship Mark up is of utmost important as this gives an identity to the content and also helps in establishing the author as a thought leader.

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Is WordPress or Blogger better for SEO? Matt Cutts Answers The Question

When anyone decides to start a blog, the first and foremost decision one has to take is to choose between WordPress and Blogger.

Here is what Matt Cutts has to say.

From my experience I can say that Blogger is a very simple platform and has all the potential to make the blog SEO friendly. Many of our clients have their blogs on WordPress which is also very good infact with more advanced features but if the WordPress blog in the subfolder gets hacked (of which the chances are very high) then the chances of the main site getting adversely affected in the search engines is very high.

In such a situation the main site on the root domain and the blog in the sub folder both get adversely affected and lose the search presence. But, if you have the blog on a sub domain which is not hosted on your server as in case of Blogger then both the entities remain separate and even if the blog gets hacked then atleast the main site continues to do well on the search engines.

How To Get More Comments On Your Blog Posts

Guest Post By: is an SEO consultant and the founder of services. In his free time, he enjoys building websites and walking his dogs. In a perfect world, each of your blog posts would have at least 10 Facebook Likes, 20 Tweets, 30 Google +1s, and 50-100 comments. There are so many benefits to having an engaged community on your website, including far-reaching social signals, a natural conversation around topics related to your content, and with the blog comments, a source of superb user-generated content (UCG).
Detail (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
But comments on your blog posts can be sparse, and there could be days that go by where you would hardly see any interaction. Why is that? You’re spending time writing great content, researching and reaching out to others in the community, interacting with others on social media, talking with your friends and coworkers about your blog, and on and on. Why aren’t your posts getting any comments? Before I jump into some actionable tips for increasing the number of comments on your blog posts, I’d like to spend a few minutes discussing why comments are important in the first place.
Fresh, user-generated content User generated content is an integral part of a healthy website. Imagine you’re driving down a highway, and you stop to fill up for gas and grab a bite to eat at the service station. You sit down at the table, and you can’t help but notice swarms of people coming in, buying a package of gum, and then leaving in a cloud of dust. Where’s the conversation? Why are people in such a rush? Don’t they want to hang out here? Google uses a lot of factors when determining how to rank a page, but one of the things that is important to remember is user-generated content can add natural keyword variations that you couldn’t add naturally on your own. Without blog comments, your page may rank just fine, but it could rank better with a natural influx of comments, much like my gas station metaphor. If people noticed others sitting down and having a conversation, they might be inclined to do the same. User-generated content can also affect your freshness score. In a 2011 post on SEOmoz, Cyrus Shephard mentions the fact that the amount of change on your page can play a role in its freshness score. Obviously there are other factors at play, but a living, breathing document (a page with new comments coming in) could rank higher than if it didn’t have any comments at all.
How to increase your blog post’s comments OK, now on to the nitty-gritty. There are some things you can change right now that could increase the level of engagement on your blog posts, including:
1. Placement of the comments widget Place the comments box as close to the end of your content as possible, so users won’t become lost in a sea of calls-to-action such as related posts, ad blocks, social buttons or other distractions. 2. Participate in the conversation Let’s say you’ve come across a new blog post that you really enjoyed reading, and decided to leave a comment. Weeks go by, but there’s still no response from the author. Bad form! At the very least, that author should have thanked you for reading! You can keep the momentum going with your post long after you write it by asking questions, sparking conversation and responding to comments.
3. Make it easy to comment How many hoops are you making your readers jump through to leave a comment? Sure, you want to combat spam (who doesn’t), but college-level algebra CAPTCHAs should not be mandatory, and registering for an account in order to leave a comment will only turn people off. There are a host of great WordPress comments plugins that are easy to use right “out of the box”.What are your tips for increasing the number of comments on your blog posts?Leave a comment!
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Rewind To Review Your Past Voice With Your Present Say…. Is Comment Archiving A Good Idea?

I am sure we all in the web arena have posted comments on blogs, written blog posts or shared and had conversations on social media sites either at a personal level or at a professional level. Lately, I have been in the retro mood since I started working on server logs for SEO analysis.

I think it is a good thing to rewind the tape of life sometimes and get some insight about our past actions and clear our mind to plan for the future. Hence I decided to focus on the foot prints created by WebPro Technologies by way of blog commenting in the past. This is not a client report so there are no metrics to monitor but a true self analysis to be done to know what was discussed and what was quoted by us on other blogs and social media sites and how much has been adhered to, by us . This also gives us a chance to analyze what our views had been in the past as compared to the present changing scenario.

Post Panda and Penguin updates there are umpteen no. of posts on natural links and link pruning but we have always been of the opinion that the term “Link Buiding” itself is wrong you do not build natural links, they get built in the process of the quality footprints you make on the sands of the web during your web journey.

One of the ways to judge the knowledge and ideologies of an SEO company is to read about what they have written in the past by way of comments, blog posts, social media conversations, reviews and on forum discussions about various topics and issues and see if they still have the consistency in what they say and how those opinions in the past have shaped up in the real world as of today.

After all the words written on the canvas of the web on various platforms are not mere words but content in different forms around which the whole web world revolves. Authentic, valuable content should stand the test of time and add value to the authority factor of the author. I have been commenting on and discussing many topics related to the search industry and have also been sharing links related to posts written by me if there was a strong correlation with the blog topic and never bothered if there was a 'no follow' attribute on the comment links or if I got any amount of thumbs down for it. As my main purpose was to put forward an opinion which I strongly believed in or felt about.

The past content posted by a person can say a lot about the knowledge, beliefs and long term goals about that persona. This can reflect the solidarity of the viewpoints made by that person and if the present scenario can tell us if they have adhered to that and stood by what they had said and also proves that if they have any coherence in what they say and what they do. This kind of check can also make people think before they post and becomes a self check for ensuring that quality content is published on the web.

Our business associate @wasimalrayes suggested that this could be a comment archive which can be added to the site and updated with every comment made on the web. I think it is a good idea which not only adds your web voice to your site but also acts as a self check tool for responsible content addition to the WWW.

We all have a blog archive, why not a coment archive too as after all comments also are mini blog posts posted by us on the web which reflect our opinion and perspective regarding that relevant topic?

What do you think about the ‘Comment Archive ‘ section being added to the site?

We would like to share some of the past comments , blog posts and social media conversations we have had on the web regarding various topics. Since the blogosphere is brimming with the posts regarding the Penguin and the Panda updates I’ll start with Link Building:

Topic Link Building :
Some Blog Comments Made By Us In The Past Reflecting Our Views On Link Building:

Our Comment 

WebProTechnologies | January 3rd, 2012

All the predictions for this year are spot on. I agree to all the points predicted.

Regarding #3 I think Google might just give us a surprise this year by giving less importance to inbound links . Only the links which will come from trusted and high authority sites and editorial links will matter and will be taken into account. The major focus will be on the social media signals which will reflect the trust and the authority factor. Hence, in what context the links are being shared on social media and the discussions and reactions surrounding it will make a big impact.

Hence, stop the link building nuisance and focus on building quality content (in all forms, images, text, video, audio, etc. and share it on social media) and let the natural links get built...


Comment :

Bharati Ahuja

February 20, 2010 at 10:24 am

Totally agree.

In My opinion everybody has just gone too far thinking only about how to get more and more links. I am sure when the PageRank concept must have been framed, the main purpose must have been to judge the true goodwill and popularity of the website in direct proportion to the no. of inbound links it has.

But with all these ethical and unethical methods of gaining more and more links the whole purpose is defeated.

If the site is having good informative content and with ethical SEO practices it ranks high in the search engines then it automatically gets a lot of links from various sources.

As the main purpose of a genuine searcher is to search for what is available globally and locally. Once the searcher finds that it surely gets added and linked by him in various ways.

Instead all the energies and efforts should be concentrated on building the website qualitatively in various ways by adding more varied content.

Don’t run after links. Let them come to your website genuinely.

Our Comment:
| May 21st, 2010

Aptly put at the very begining of this post that link building is a task which is detested by all .

I am of the opinion that the term 'link building' itself is an incorrect term. Links do not have to be built but they should get built naturally in the process as your website starts getting a wider web presence and preference.

As every link is like a vote to your site and goodwill of your company and that has to be earned as part of the web journey of the website.

If we focus on the quality content, have a good site internal linking architecture, have a site which is visitor friendly as well as robot friendly then getting high SERPs is not a difficult task.

Once you have high SERPs trust me there will loads of directories and portals adding your site in their listings even without you knowing about it, as they too are looking for quality listings.

Once upon a time the dmoz listing was something that you always wished for once you submitted your site in dmoz as that surely was a valuable link. I dont know if it still has that importance but I still manually add each site to dmoz.

Apart from a good qualitative site in all respects other genuine methods of gaining natural inbound links as your website goes from one milestone to another are as follows:

Focus all your efforts on making the site informative, qualitative and content rich to get links automatically.·

Do not neglect the On-Page Optimization Basics and just go after links. (Very important from the SEO perspective)·

Participate in social media networks for discussions and sharing of information and mention links to the relevant pages to your website. (It need not be the Home Page always)·

Have a social book marking button on your website.

Make RSS feeds available on your website.

Issue Press Releases periodically.

Our Comment:

WebProTechnologies | May 31st, 2011

Well, despite all the thumbs down my opinion still remains the same. Your quality content on your website and quality web presence on all the search options, blogs, discussions, social media, etc. will always be rewarded in an increasing manner in the long run by any search engine and will result to inbound targeted traffic.

As we do a fairly good job on SEO and rankings without focusing on link building but in the process educate and train our clients to effectively maintain their blogs, and social media accounts and in the bargain they end up getting quality links and it has worked for us.

Our Archived Blog Posts On Link Building:

Topic 2 Social And Search Integration:
Blog Article / Social Media Post

Our Comment:

Yes initially Altavista was THE SEARCH ENGINE and keyword spam was something that Google had to work on to improve the quality of search results for which they came up with the PageRank Technology to add value and quality to search results.

But as every coin has 2 sides this innovation also gave birth to the link building spam and despite the improvement in the search results which established Google as the top most search engine, it polluted the web with unnecessary content clutter.

But as people kept on flocking the social media sites the search engines thought of using the public opinion as the criteria for quality and word of mouth. How well the search engines will integrate the social media signals only time will tell.

But it is for sure that this will ensure more genuineness as you cannot manipulate public opinion. SEO is what you say about your company social media is what others say about your company. When both these messages are in sync a credibility is established. Hence the authority, credibility, WOM and an overall presence is the demand of the day for true SEO , which in the long run will ensure natural and quality inbound links on its own.

So first work on content, establish an identity, authority and an online credibility and then the links will follow. And if we go to see that was the main goal of the PageRank technology to check how many people vouch for a certain page content but with link spam it got negated . Now with social media signals and focus on quality content via the Panda Update this will surely be taken care off to a great extent.

The best way to achieve great online presence will be to have an equally great offline and real time business presence :

I will not be surprised if in the coming year the blogosphere gets bombarded with blogpost meteors on "THE DEATH OF THE SPAMMY LINK BUILDING INDUSTRY" instead of SEO being dead.Blog Article / Social Media Post

Our Comment:

Bharati Ahuja 11th January 2012

I think the blending of social results in search is not only the inevitable evolution of search but the reflection of what took place when civilizations evolved. We can just say that the stone age of search is over and now search even has the ability to reflect what people in your community are talking about and recommending. It is basic human nature to search for a want and then discuss with peers about their opinions and then take a decision. Since ages we have been doing this but now we have to just adapt ourselves to the virtual world for this kind of an action.

To a certain extent I believe that if Google wants to improve the quality of search results and combat the spam on the web then yes, it is highly essential that the search engine can access data from a resource it has full control on. But, from the search engine perspective only time will tell how well Google succeeds in integrating the social signals from other social media sites from all over the web else with the kind of hold Google has over the search market it is going to be, Google Google all the way…

But its surely not the end of SEO. In fact all these changes are taking SEO to a more qualitative level.

Archived Blog Posts On Our Blog:

Topic 3 “Not Provided Keyword Data” 

Our Guest Post On The Topic:

 Archived Blog Posts On Our Blog:

Blog Article / Social Media Post

Bharati Ahuja Jan 9, 2012I think this piece is a great summary about how Google has been offering support to SEOs right from start but can do much more as they have all the data now in fact the data about social signals too.The awareness of SEO has also improved a period of time and if Google at this stage continues to share more and more information it will become increasingly difficult for Google to maintain and improve the quality of search results. We saw that by 2010 the content and link spam had reached to a great extent for which Google had to come up with the Panda Update.

IMHO especially with regard to Keyword Referrer Data:

2011 was a year of changes and I think it is a period of transition to a better web and better search results as SEO is much beyond keywords and rankings.

When the businesses are at a loss for the complete keyword data the focus is shifted to the search queries in WMT which have a good CTR which is a true measure of quality over quantity.

This restriction makes the website owner think from a larger perspective and focus on the correlation of content and keywords rather than rankings. This will take SEO campaigns above the metrics of keywords and rankings and the focus will be on other quality metrics like CTR , conversions, bounce rate, etc. which will improve the quality of the web overall as the websites besides being rich in content will have to focus on good landing pages, a proper call to action, page load speed and good navigation which will ensure a better UX .
This lack of data will draw the line of distinction between a PPC campaign and a SEO campaign. The quality metrics will be CR and the CTR which again will make the client focus on content and the landing page design which will again be a quality step towards a better web world rather that discussing about keywords the client will be open to discuss about content and design.

Have shared my views also on

The Best Way To Assure Quality Content Is To Innovate, Excel And Work Hard In Real Time

Author : Bharati Ahuja

With the Panda Update and Google being hell-bent on working on high quality standards for search results the need to keep the web presence updated with high quality content is the need of the hour. Amit Singhal of Google shared with us the definition of Good Quality Content. But, the challenge is how to share fresh good quality content which is knowledge based and will be helpful to the user on a regular basis.

Many are jumping on the band wagon of appointing content writers and thinking of ways and means of churning out content in some form or the other but just content addition is not enough, the content has to supplement and augment the already existing authority, popularity and the ideology of the blog or any web presence that you are trying to promote on the search engines. Authority and popularity cannot be bought it has to be earned over a period of time.

IMHO “There Is No Substitute For Hardwork” and the genuine content is the content which is the reflection of what you do in real time.

Usually when I advise the clients to keep their site updated with fresh quality content , the question which is posed by them is - What else can we write more about our company , we have already written all about it.

That’s where the difference is, we do not have to write for the sake of adding content and come up with an immaculate piece of content by a writer who is politically correct and grammatically correct but share and write about the following:

  • The company happenings
  • achievements
  • faux pas made by your team
  • efforts put in for making a product more innovative
  • a solution achieved for a problem faced
  • the industry ideologies that our company promotes
  • Share the latest news about the products and services we deal in
  • Videos about the new outlets opened or achievements celebrated
  • Discuss customer reactions and review
  • Support a cause , event or promote industry related conferences, seminars and exhibitions
  • We all discuss our success but for a change if we discuss some failure and the lessons learnt by that also is something which gets widely read and accepted as it helps others learn from the mistakes made by us.

This way the web presence of your business will become a true reflection of your real time business where there will be no dearth of actual valuable content and this content will be helpful in projecting the true image reflecting the authority, identity and popularity quotient of your business. Every happening, innovation and development in your office or company can become a topic for a blogpost adding valuable content if you think it will help and offer some valuable information your existing customers, potential clients, shareholders or any targeted visitor to your website in some way or the other.

Work hard in the real world to have more satisfied customers and more acheivements in business which helps your business grow and then update and upgrade your virtual business and presence with the real world facts, figures and experiences thereby being in a win-win situation in the virtual world as well as the real world.

The greatest example is Google itself , if we see the Google blog or any other web presence they have – It is always updated with their latest developments and the discussions about what their priniciples and ideologies in practice.

Paid content, like paid links  does not have any value,  if your business is not living its actual essence in real life. It will soon fizzle out like paid links . But, content generated with a view of updating the existing client with the actual product information or the content which helps the potential client take a decision or the content which makes the shareholder in your business achieve confidence in the company is all content valuable from the user and the search engine perspective.

Genuine, informative and knowledge based content does not only add value to the content aspect of the web presence but also has the potential of getting inbound links in a natural way boosting the web presence multifold .

Content added just for the sake of having more words on your website is like external makeup which gets washed away with time but content by which the company can vouch for and lives by is like inner beauty having a long lasting value for your targeted visitors, you and of course the search engines which can withstand any algoquakes from Google or that matter any search engine.

The Etiquette Of Co.ordinating With Guest Post Submissions.

If you accept guest posts for your blog then I am sure you know that a guest post benefits both the blog and the person who writes the post. It is a mutually beneficial exchange of resources .

But, if you frequently publish guest posts and you keep on getting regular posts which you need to moderate and queue them for publishing  then having a system to communicate with the guest bloggers is of utmost important. As  people need to kept informed about the progress and status of the post submitted by them.

The guest  who has submitted the post for the blog has spared time and effort to write the post and in this times of Twitter and social media many times the posts lose their significance and importance if they get delayed in getting published which is shear injustice to the writer.

If the post has to be rejected due to some reason then it should be done right away so that it can be published else where by the blogger. If it has been  read and accepted then it should be immediately be scheduled and the date should be informed to the person who has submitted the post so that he is clear and go ahead planning for the next post.

Ideally the person should be informed within 24 – 48 hrs about the status as later than that is considered as being very inconsiderate of the other person’s time and effort.

Points The Guest  Bloggers Should Keep In Mind:

  •            Follow the blog guidelines.
  •           Submit the post as per the procedure on the site.
  •            Submit original and useful content.
  •             Interact with the commenters on the blog .
  •            Do not make the blog post or the comments a cheap link building avenue.
  •            Promote the post.

Points The Host Needs to Keep In Mind:

  •  Make it simple to submit the post.
  •  Have a page to explain the guidelines for guest post submissions.
  •  Be quick in responding to the guest regarding your decision after moderation.
  •   Give a reason if the post is rejected .
  •  Respond to emails by the guest poster. Answer their questions and clear their doubts.
  •  Promote and share the post giving due acknowledgement and credit to the guest blogger as they are giving you content for the blog.

Guest blogging is a team effort if it is managed and coordinated well it can be very helpful for the blog  as this is like your online team that you have which is contributing to the content and marketing  of the blog.


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